Buy $ELF on CEX, transfer to wallet, and swap to $SGR

If you do not have $ELF, you can buy $ELF on CEX-es and transfer to your Portkey Wallet. Ensure $ELF is on aelf sidechain (tDVV). Lastly, swap $ELF for $SGR using AwakenSwap dApp. Step-by-step guide:

On WebOn Mobile
  1. Purchase $ELF on supported exchanges.

  2. Withdraw $ELF to MainChain AELF wallet address. Note remove ELF_ prefix and _AELF suffix from your destination address when withdrawing from CEX.

  3. Send $ELF from MainChain AELF wallet address to SideChain _tDVV wallet address.

  1. Visit AwakenSwap's SGR/ELF trading pair.

  1. Connect Portkey Wallet.

  1. Click "Buy" and input your desired amount.

Note: Do ensure to keep some $ELF in your wallet for transaction fees.

  1. Purchase $ELF on supported exchanges.

  2. Withdraw $ELF to MainChain AELF wallet address. Note remove ELF_ prefix and _AELF suffix from your destination address when withdrawing from CEX.

  3. Send $ELF from MainChain AELF wallet address to SideChain _tDVV wallet address.

  1. Visit AwakenSwap from Portkey's Discover page and "Log In" by connecting your Portkey Wallet.

  1. Search for "SGR" and select a trading pair.

  1. Select "Buy" or "Sell" and then approve the transaction.

Note: Do ensure to keep some $ELF in your wallet for transaction fees.

Last updated