Provide Liquidity to $SGR LPs
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You can provide liquidity to the $SGR Liquidity Pools on AwakenSwap. By doing so, you earn a portion of the trading pool's fee revenue. Specifically, 80% of the pool's trading fees are allocated to liquidity providers, divided according to the amount of liquidity they've contributed. This income from shared trading fees is automatically included in the overall liquidity total. Step-by-step guide:
Click on "Add Liquidity" to add liquidity.
Enter the amount and approve the token supply.
After adding liquidity, you can click on "Assets" in the top right corner, then select "My Liquidity" to view and manage the SGR trading pair liquidity you added.
To add more liquidity, click on "Add Liquidity" under "Operation". To remove liquidity, click on "Remove".
Click on "Add Liquidity" to add liquidity.
Enter the amount and approve the token supply.
After adding liquidity, you can click on the wallet icon at the top of the page, then select "My Liquidity" to view and manage the SGR trading pair liquidity you added.
To add more liquidity, click on "Add". To remove liquidity, click on "Remove".