Buy $SGR (ERC20) on CEX and bridge to aelf sidechain (tDVV)

If you wish to buy $SGR from a centralised exchange, you can first purchase $SGR from Then, using the ETransfer dApp, bridge $SGR from Ethereum (ERC20) to aelf's sidechain (tDVV).

Step-by-step guide:

On WebOn Mobile
  1. Purchase $SGR on

  2. Go to ETransfer and connect your Portkey wallet.

  1. Click on "Deposit" and select deposit "SGR" to SideChain tDVV.

  1. Your deposit address and QR code are automatically generated. You can either copy the deposit address to your withdrawal platform or scan the QR code.

Note: Do remember to meet the minimum deposit amount of 0.01 $SGR or assets will not be received.

  1. Visit AwakenSwap's SGR/ELF trading pair.

  1. Connect Portkey Wallet.

  1. Click "Buy" and input your desired amount.

Note: Do remember to meet the minimum deposit amount of 0.01 $SGR or assets will not be received.

  1. Purchase $SGR on

  2. Visit ETransfer from Portkey's Discover page and connect your Portkey wallet.

  1. Click on "Deposit" and select deposit "SGR" to SideChain tDVV.

  1. Your deposit address and QR code are automatically generated. You can either copy the deposit address to your withdrawal platform or scan the QR code.

Note: Do remember to meet the minimum deposit amount of 0.01 $SGR or assets will not be received.

  1. Visit AwakenSwap's SGR/ELF trading pair.

  1. Connect Portkey Wallet.

  1. Click "Buy" and input your desired amount.

Note: Do remember to meet the minimum deposit amount of 0.01 $SGR or assets will not be received.

Last updated